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Digital/Electronic Resources: Home

This guide will help you use our electronic resources more fully and effectively.

E-resources page

The library continues to expand our electronic holdings.  These can be found on our databases page. 


Many of these database have their own tabs above that will help you in using them.  Below, you will find some general details on using databases for research.

Database Access

All Faculty, Staff and Students have access to a variety of electronic resources behind SemNet.  

Click on the Library Access link after logging in to see our holdings.



Database Page

The database page allows you to use our Discovery general search tool directly or select specific databases based on your needs.  And, if you have questions, our chat box is on the right. 

Using Concept Mapping in EBSCO

Database Tools


In many cases the databases do more than just index and provide full-text with a variety of features to help you manage your research.  The attached document will help you using the tools more effectively. 

Periodical by title

Database basics

Databases index a specific set of periodicals within a specific time frame and replace older print indexes.  In some cases, the databases provide only bibliographic information while some titles provide links to full-text articles within the database.  To use database effectively search strategies are important.

First, most databases will allow for some form of Boolean searching to accommodate synonyms, to eliminate unwanted ideas or to find overlapping ideas as you can see from the chart below"


Along with Boolean searching, you can also use truncation and wildcards for variations on a word.  

  • TRUNCATION: missio* would retrieve all resources using the words mission, missiology, missions, etc. 
  • WILDCARD: wom?n will retrieve both woman and women eliminating the need to do 2 searches

Phrase searching can be especially problematic as the search engine will often search for each word specifically.  There are a couple of solutions to this issue.

  • Placing words in quotation marks "Great Awakening" will trigger the search for the full phrase
  • Using controlled vocabulary as it appears in the Subject Headings and selecting Subject instead of Keyword focuses the search significantly.

The databases also include a variety of Limiters (ways to reduce the results) and Expanders (ways to increase the results) that you can select including dates, journal title, article type, language, etc. 


Kristine Kay Hasse Memorial Library • 801 Seminary Place • St. Louis, MO 63105
Founded by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
circulation desk: 314-505-7030

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