Even the best writers need editors and feedback. Whether you are an MDiv, Deaconess, EIIT, SMP, or graduate student, let us know how we can provide some focused writing feedback to help you with your individual writing needs.
Individual: writing consultations online
Group: weekly virtual "deep work" and periodic writing retreats
Research and Reference: In-class instruction for research assignments and individual assistance
We will always focus on higher order concerns over lower order concerns: readability, argument, and organization over commas; however, we will provide advice on how to build stronger sentence-level writing skills as well.
ARC Writing Center Weekly Office Hours
This semester the Hasse Library's Writing Center Weekly Office Hours will happen Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm via Zoom with Dr. Kristen Einertson and Wednesdays 11:00am-1pm in person on campus with Jason Dulworth (meet on the west side of the library's second floor next to the windows facing CHI). Do you want a second pair of eyes to look over your assignment, thesis, proposal, prospectus, dissertation, journal article, book review, sermon, Bible study, etc.? Email Kristen at einertsonk@csl.edu or sign up for her appointments via this link. You can also email Jason at dulworthj@csl.edu to set up an appointment beforehand. For both Kristen and Jason, feel free to log in/walk in during the appointed hours, meeting Kristen through the link below or looking for Jason on the second floor of the library.
Kristen's Office Hour Zoom Link
Student Writing Retreats
Join us this semester for our series of student writing retreats. Each month we will briefly discuss some aspect of writing and research (see topics below) and then offer time for consultations and Q/A.
Saturdays, 2:00-3:30pm, via Zoom
September 14: Cal Newport’s Writing Tips & Tricks
Join Zoom Meeting:
October 12: Writing Scholarship and Fellowship Applications
Join Zoom Meeting:
November 9: Chasing Footnotes: How to Find What You Need for Writing
Join Zoom Meeting:
December 14: How to Read for Writing
Join Zoom Meeting:
NOTE: Zoom link will also be published in the Daily Announcements the week before the session is scheduled.
ARC "Deep Work" Writing Sessions (year-round)
Have you heard of Cal Newport's valuable text, Deep Work? In it Dr. Newport encourages knowledge workers to focus on their writing and projects without distraction. We all have writing to do throughout the week, and sometimes it can be nice to do it quietly with others in order to keep you accountable in your work. The Hasse Library's Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides the weekly space to do just that from 2:00-4:00pm on Tuesday afternoons! We host this Zoom space to provide you with writing time in the midst of your peers. Feel free to join at any point and leave whenever it is convenient for you. We will begin by identifying our goals aloud or in the chat--these can be whatever you are working on for class or your program. We will video and audio mute, check in halfway through, and debrief at the end of our time. Mark your calendars for these weekly sessions and join via this link: