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CSL Course Booklists: EIIT - All Terms

This guide provides the information students need for finding their textbooks for each semester


These EIIT Course booklists are finalized according to the program and are in alphabetical and numerical order. Any book requirement differences between full and intensive sections are noted in the item information. All books listed are required, not recommended.

Spring and Summer 2024 NOTE: The Holy Bible in English - English Standard Version [ESV] is required for most courses.

Fall 2024 NOTE: The Lutheran Study Bible - English Standard Version [ESV] is required for most courses.

EXE441 Reading the Bible Faithfully - Finalized

EXE442 Faithfully Reading the Gospels - Finalized

EXE443 Faithfully Reading the Epistles of Paul - Finalized

EXE444 Faithfully Reading the OT - Finalized

EXE445 Basic NT Theology - Finalized

HIS441 Christians Engage the World - Finalized

HIS442 The Lutheran Church: Then and Now - Finalized

HIS443 Lutherans and Other Denominations - Finalized

HIS455: Missouri Synod Fellowship - Finalized

PRA441 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry - Finalized

PRA442 Pastor as Preacher - Finalized

PRA443 Care in the Congregation - Finalized

PRA444 Teaching the Christian Faith - Finalized

PRA445 Witness and Evangelism - Finalized

PRA446 Servant Leadership - Finalized

PRA447 Worship and the Word - Finalized

PRA448 Contextualized Counseling - Finalized

PRA449 - The Lutheran Pastor - Finalized

PRA455 Lutheran Worship - Finalized

PRA456: Witness and Evangelism Practicum - Thormodson - Finalized

PRA457: Church Administration - Peter - Finalized

PRA4412 Introduction to Diaconal Ministry - Finalized

PRA4421 Diaconal Care in Times of Distress - Finalized

PRA4471 Deaconess as Bible Teacher - Finalized

PRA4491 The Lutheran Deaconess - Finalized

SYS441 The Christian Faith - Finalized

SYS442 Confessing the Faith Today - Finalized

SYS443 Means of Grace - Finalized

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