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CSL Course Booklists: Practical

This guide provides the information students need for finding their textbooks for each semester

General Information

NOTE: The courses are listed in alpha-numeric order. The lists are tentative unless they are marked "finalized" next to the professor's name. We recommend that you check with your professor, if possible, before purchasing textbooks.

PRA506 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry - Prieto, Rockenbach

PRA512 Worship and the Word - Burreson (finalized 3/3/25)

  • Students will be asked to do a book review on one of the following volumes (by Just, or Smith, or Brauer). You will not need to purchase all three volumes as only one will be required for the assignment. 
  • Students will be asked to purchase a special student license for Lutheran Service Builder, the electronic edition of Lutheran Service Book, from CPH. Cost will be $45 for a one-year license. Instructions for sign-up and registration with CPH will be provided at the first session.

PRA512 Worship and the Word - Eatherton, Vieker (finalized 3/3/25)

  • Students will be asked to do a book review on one of the following volumes (by Just, or Smith, or Zager). You will not need to purchase all three volumes as only one will be required for the assignment. 
  • Students will be asked to purchase a special student license for Lutheran Service Builder, the electronic edition of Lutheran Service Book, from CPH. Cost will be $45 for a one-year license. Instructions for sign-up and registration with CPH will be provided at the first session.

PRA513 Teaching the Faith - Eatherton, Tinetti

PRA525 Proclamation-Sermon Structures - Schmitt

Textbooks will be provided.

PRA533 Expository Preaching - Peter (finalized 3/4/25)

PRA535 Classical Rhetoric-Contemporary Preaching - Tinetti

PRA562 Christianity and Literature - Schmitt (finalized 3/3/25)

PRA711 Spiritual Care Foundations - Asher

PRA939A The Theology of Preaching Part A - Nafzger (finalized 2/25/25)

PRA940A Christ and Culture Part A - Schmitt (finalized 3/3/25)

PRA6002A Introduction to Doctoral Research Writing - Schmitt (finalized 3/3/25)

PRA6004A Research Methodology and Design Part A - Rockenbach

PRA6100 Pastoral Theology/Pastoral Care - Thompson

Students will choose 5-7 books from a large bibliography provided in the course syllabus.  

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