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CSL Course Booklists: Systematic

This guide provides the information students need for finding their textbooks for each semester

General Information

NOTE: The courses are listed in alpha-numeric order. The lists are tentative unless they are marked "finalized" next to the professor's name. We recommend that you check with your professor, if possible, before purchasing textbooks.

SYS507 Introduction to Systematic Theology - Burreson, Nafzger, Okamoto (finalized 2/25/25)

SYS512 Systematics I - Arand, Okamoto, Sanchez (finalized 3/3/25)

SYS514 Systematics II - Biermann (finalized 2/26/25)

SYS514 Systematics II - Sanchez

See professor for booklist.

SYS527 Creation and Salvation in Cyril of Alexandria - Maxwell (finalized 2/27/25)

SYS528/728 A Theology of Ethics and Human Care - Biermann (finalized 2/26/25)

SYS925A Baptism and Conversion Part A - Burreson (finalized 3/4/25)

SYS940 Art and Aesthetics - Biermann (finalized 2/26/25)

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