Welcome! This guide will show you how to manage your citations with Zotero.
Why should I use Zotero?
- Zotero helps you keep track of articles you've found in your research that you may want to use in a project or paper.
- It allows you to save copies of the articles so you don't have to find them again to access the full text.
- It generates citations for your research in any major format (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
- Its Microsoft Word/LibreOffice integration helps you insert in-text citations in your paper.
- It's completely free, and it's open source, so it's updated frequently, and support is easy to find.
- It's installed on all of Reed Library's computers, so you can get a feel for it at the Library, then use it on your own computer.
Where can I find help with Zotero?
- Zotero is easy to use, and this guide will give you most of the information you'll need to work with it, but if you find you need more help, you can stop by the reference desk, or call or email the reference librarians.
- Additional documentation, including video tutorials, is also available from the Zotero website.