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Online Bibliographic Tools: EndNote

Guide to various reference management systems for keeping track of research and resources.

Under Construction

Please bear with us while our EndNote LibGuide is under construction. Check back for more information and we will also update the blog when this section is available. 


EndNote Basic

EndNote Library Basics

  • A library is a collection of references. Each reference is stored as an individual record with different data fields for author, title, etc.
  • We recommend that you store all your references in one or two libraries and use Groups and Group Sets to organize and categorize references.
  • For EndNote Basic there is a limit of 50,000 reference storage and 2GB of attachment storage
  • Use in your Web browser


Kristine Kay Hasse Memorial Library • 801 Seminary Place • St. Louis, MO 63105
Founded by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
circulation desk: 314-505-7030

All guides licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.