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Online Bibliographic Tools: Mendeley

Guide to various reference management systems for keeping track of research and resources.

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a free, easy-to-use tool that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources (variously called "references," "citations," "documents," or "files"). 
It automatically updates periodically to incorporate new online sources and new bibliographic styles.
There are other reference managers, notably Zotero and Endnote, so why use Mendeley?  If you are looking for a product with robust features related to managing and working with PDFs, Mendeley may be the reference manager for you.

What can I do with Mendeley?

Read and Annotate

Read, highlight and annotate PDFs and keep all your thoughts across multiple documents in one place More…

Import Content

Add content from around the web, including PDFs, directly into your Mendeley library. More…

Generate citations and bibliographies in seconds

Insert references from your research library and generate bibliographies on the fly. More…

Example of Mendeley Online Library View

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