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ARC - Academic Resource Center: DASS: Accommodations


What is DASS (Disability and Accommodations Support Services) at CSL?

DASS (Disability and Accommodations Support Services) is a coordinated effort between the Curriculum Office and the manager of Hasse Library’s Academic Resource Center to assist students in obtaining acceptable and reasonable academic accommodations. 

For more information, please email: 

What is a disability and who qualifies as disabled under the law? 

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 defines an individual with a disability as a person who: 

1. Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of that person 

2. Has a record of such impairment, or  Is regarded as having such an impairment

3.  A disability may be evident, such as a visual impairment, hearing impairment, or mobility impairment. Or a disability may be something not visible, such as a learning disability, ADD/ADHD, a psychological disability, autism, or a chronic condition such as Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, etc. 

Any disability, as defined by Section 504, may be qualified to use resources facilitated by DASS.

What are accommodations? 

Accommodations are modifications to the ways in which things are usually done. The purpose of effective accommodations is to remove barriers and provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate and benefit from higher education. 

Examples of possible accommodations are as follows:

• Changes to a classroom environment or task, such as extended time for a test, private testing location 

• Exceptions to policies, practices, or procedures such as priority registration or accessing assignments early 

• Provision of auxiliary aids and services such as providing a sign language interpreter, providing a notetaker. – We may or may not be able to provide accommodations that require additional staff and financial burdens (such as interpreters) depending on the academic semester.

N.B. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis does retain under the law the ability to refuse modification and accommodations under the following:

  • Accommodations that would place others at health or safety risk as a result of the accommodation 

  • Modifications that lower or change course or program standards 

  • Modifications that would change the essence of a course or program

  • Services that create an undue burden – administratively or financially

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