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Introduction to Church History: Early

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception is an excellent database resource for a study of the church fathers with a focus on their biblical interpretation.

Access requires Concordia Seminary login.

Advanced: Dictionaries of Classical, Koine, and Byzantine Greek

A basic knowledge of Greek is required to use these dictionaries digitized as part of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae project.
Access requires Concordia Seminary login.


Church of St. George in Korbinovo with images of church fathers (Tiffany Ziegler,

CC BY-SA 4.0, vis Wikimedia commons)


Patrology by Johannes Quasten

Publication date: 1951-2006

Patrology is the standard guide to the writings of the church fathers. The volumes are organized chronologically and treat patristic literature from its beginnings to the time of John of Damascus (750). Descriptions of the texts are included.

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All guides licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.