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CSL Course Booklists: Exegetical

This guide provides the information students need for finding their textbooks for each semester

EXE522: Synoptic Gospels - Lewis, Scholz - Finalized

EXE572: The Book of Acts - Oschwald

EXE574 Philippians - Scholz


Ben Witherington III, Friendship and Finances in Philippi

Bonnie B. Thurston, Philippians and Philemon

EXE721: Reading and Using NT - Oschwald

EXE901A: Problems in Hermeneutics A - Voelz

EXE525: Pauline Epistles

EXE535: Wisdom of Job - Hensley - Finalized

EXE538: Ancient Eastern Text - Adams

EXE542: Hosea - Golden

EXE573: Jesus and Paul - Raj

EXE901: Problems in Hermeneutics - Oschwald

EXE914: Old Testament Figures - Raabe

EXE933: Archaic Biblical Poetry - Saleska - Finalized

EXE963: II Corinthians - Scholz

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