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CSL Course Booklists: Historical

This guide provides the information students need for finding their textbooks for each semester

General Information

NOTE: The courses are listed in alpha-numeric order. The booklists are tentative until they are marked "finalized" next to the professor's name.

HIS507 Introduction to Historical Theology - Bode, Dost, Lane, Schumacher (finalized 11/14/24)

HIS508 The Reformation and the Lutheran Church - Dost, Lane (finalized 11/14/24)

HIS508 The Reformation and the Lutheran Church - Robinson (finalized 11/14/24; rev. 12/11/24)

HIS516 Apostolic Fathers - Elowsky (finalized 10/31/24)

HIS551 Global Lutheranism Today - Schumacher

HIS553 Pastoral Issues in the 20th Century - Dost (finalized 11/14/24)

HIS555 Readings in Luther: Roots of Reform - Lane (finalized 11/15/24)

HIS559 Lutheranism in America - Bode

HIS586 Latin - Maxwell

HIS912A The Bible in the Middle Ages Part A - Robinson

HIS958A The Idea of the Modern Part A - Rosin (finalized 10/11/2024)

NOTE: E-versions (e.g. Kindle) are also acceptable, as are alternate printings/editions of complete text.

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Founded by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
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