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Introduction to Historical Theology: Jonathan Munnicha

Class study on Church History



This is a book that can be found as an ebook on EBSCO (ebook collection). This book on Soren Kierkegaard focuses on his idea that even though the Danish nation was a Christian one, they were only so in name. Focusing on Kierkegaard's mission to showing people that they were taking their Christianity for granted, and consequently not really knowing what Christianity is, this book compares Kierkegaard to a old testament prophet bringing the word to an entitled people. This book delivers a message to todays Christian world which often falls into the same trap as the Danish people.


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This is a Biography on the life Soren Kierkegaard. The author makes it clear that this biography is more about the life of Kierkegaard rather than his works; the author does of course talk about his works but is more interested in the man himself rather than his works.

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